Bible Read::Exodus 15-18


The right hand …glorious in power..hath dashed in pieces the enemy (15:6)

What is the meaning of right and why right hand not the left hand?


They wandered through desert and have short supply of water and food. God gave them water and food manna. I think Manna might be a sort of plant or seed or fungi that can gather in the dawn. I imagine it as a food that come to earth as dew and these little dew were harden and turn into white color and with special aroma. (16:15)


People complain a lot during the journey. When they suffered from hunger and thirst, they would regret they had followed Moses and leave their slave owner. Most of people would rather survive with little dignity and freedom than dying as freeman. People are blind, they can’t see God,thus they don’t trust God; People are stupid, they content with what they have but don’t even try to get close to truth, to the mighty God. (16)

…they tempted the Lord, saying, is the Lord among us, or not? (17:7)

Now I know that the Lord is greater than all gods; for in the thing wherein they dealt proudly the was above them.(18:11)


But they were not always unhappy. Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, tool a timbrel and bring with all women to dances(15:20). They also have the seventh day as the sabbath(16:26). They have encountered Amalek and Joshua was sent to fight. The event was written and a alter was built called Jehovah-nissi(17:15).


Moses met his father-in-law Jethro. The good old man has gave some good advice to Moses. All people came to Moses for fair judge. Jethro said to Moses, this is not good, it will tire yourself out and they won’t be benefit much from it as well. You should tech them ordinances and law and rulers needed to be selected to govern themselves.

When a tribe became larger and with more members, it is hard to keep the group of people in shape. Something was needed to establish the governing.

1) Religion. To spread the word and fear of God, to let people believe in God, the power of governing was extensive and powerful. God followers would discipline themselves and obey rules set by “God” (or priests/religious organisation in the name of god). Thus it is more easy to control the mind of people and make them as one.

2) law and rules.  Law and rules obviously were made by rulers. These can standardize the society behaviors of people and become a base of judge. Law and rules were mean to be followed and with the help of religion, the mind and the behaviors were more stable.

Bible has indicated the origin of Religion, law and rules.

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